How to book a tour with Barnton Bunker

Located in west Edinburgh

The Booking Process.

Visit the Barnton Bunker website and click on the "Book Your Tour" button.

You will be redirected to the booking page where you can choose the type of tour you would like to book.

Select the date and time that works best for you from the available options.

Choose the number of tickets you need for your group.

Enter your contact and payment information, including your name, email address, phone number and payment method. Please note that payment is required at the time of booking to secure your spot.

Review your booking details and confirm your reservation.

You will receive an email confirmation with all the details of your booking, including the date, time, and number of tickets.

Please note that if you need to reschedule your booking, you can do so by contacting Barnton Bunker by visiting our contact page. All bookings are non-refundable, so be sure to double-check your selected date and time before confirming your reservation.

We hope this helps you book your tour with ease. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email.